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Our Mission

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The 5 loaves and 2 Fish Foundation's mission is to fight extreme poverty throughout Haiti. In truth, it is difficult to stand idly by in the face of the dire poverty in which our Haitian brothers and sisters are struggling. It's no secret that Haiti is the poorest country in the Northern Hemisphere, where around 90% of the world's population lives. Social needs are significant.
The majority of Haitians live in unemployment and are below the threshold of underdevelopment. Food insecurity is catastrophic, especially for children. Usually, people come back to church with all their problems. In Haiti, church leaders do not know what to do with the significant number of social needs of brothers and sisters. Some of them cannot go to church for months because they lack shoes and clothes. Some are regularly unable to do laundry for lack of soap.
Many are unable to have a songbook and even a Bible for lack of money; Many go through the day without finding anything to boil. It is a situation of extreme poverty, a rather sad situation. Faced with this terrible situation, the 5 loaves and 2 fish foundation feels called upon to do something, if only to relieve some brothers and sisters. The needs are many. Thousands of people are waiting for shoes; thousands are waiting for something to appease their hunger; thousands are also waiting for a small sum of money to start a small business in order to reintegrate into society, provide for their families and regain their dignity.
Now, just as Jesus fed thousands of hungry people with only 5 loaves of bread and two fish, the 5 loaves and two fish Foundation hopes with God's help to help those in need. Our mission is to bring relief to the deprived, isolated and forgotten people of Haiti .

Our Principles

1- We are a non-profit organization aiming at serving the poor and disadvantaged overseas.


2- An executive committee composed of nine (9) members is responsible for the management of the FOUNDATION:


  • a) a president

  • b) a vice president

  • c) a secretary

  • d) a treasurer

  • e) three (3) directors and advisors.


3- The executive committee manages the internal and external activities of the FOUNDATION.


4- The executive committee requires the formation of a management committee in disadvantaged areas made up of honest people for the management of goods in kind and cash allocated to poor or disadvantaged people.


5- The management committee must provide a detailed report of goods in kind and cash put at the service of the poor or disadvantaged.


6- Any cash transfer made in favor of disadvantaged people to other countries must be calculated at the current exchange rate to facilitate the executive committee in its task to be accomplished for the benefit of the disadvantaged.


7- No expenditure must be made without the authorization of the "executive committee.


8- The executive committee can dismiss an overseas management committee for misuse of the FOUNDATION'S goods in kind and in cash.


9- The beneficiaries must respect the deadline allocated to each of them to facilitate the circulation of cash goods received for the benefit of others pending.


10- No interest should be charged to the beneficiaries.


11- A school and/or bank will be considered to educate beneficiaries and assist them in their financial needs.


12- A supervisor, which is appointed and can be replaced by the executive committee, is to monitor distribution and provide a report on the work carried out monthly.


13- A supervisor will set-up a joint account in the name of the FOUNDATION with the beneficiary to assist the beneficiary in devising a savings plan which will be monitored by the supervisor who will submit a monthly report to the executive committee.


14- A trip may be made by a member of the executive committee for verification of the reports received for transactions carried out.


15- The foundation MUST avoid all kinds of destructive criticism concerning the Advent Movement.


16- Before the distribution of the donations from FOUNDATION to the beneficiaries, those responsible must be informed of the beneficiaries' place of residence to certify that they are in need and also an identification document must be provided by the beneficiaries who receive the donations.


17- All beneficiaries who receive donations from the FOUNDATION must be approved by the church committee.


18- The executive committee has the ability to dismiss any board member who chooses to be absent from three meetings without notice. Board members must perform duties to aid the foundation’s progress for at least 3 hours a week/30 minutes a day.


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5 Loaves 2 Fish Foundation, Inc

P.O Box 1882 Jonesboro GA 30237-1882

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